EU28 Potatoes and Potato Products Annual Report 2014
Driven by a higher potato production in MY2014/15, EU exports of frozen potato products are expected to be up. Export opportunities are especially found in emerging market and will be further defined by geopolitical developments. The U.S. will continue to compete with the EU in markets like Chile, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. This Potatoes & Potato Products report is an Annual report. For the purpose of this report, the focus is on EU exports of Frozen Potato Products (HS 200410). Valuable contributions were made from the following Foreign
Agricultural Service analysts:
Xavier Audran FAS/Paris covering France
Tania DeBelder USEU/FAS Brussels covering EU policy
Mira Kobuszynska FAS/Warsaw covering Poland
Marcel Pinckaers FAS/The Hague covering the Netherlands and Belgium
Leif Rehder FAS/Berlin covering Germany