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UK wine law

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 A guide to wine law
Monday 11 June 2012
This page gives you background to the regulations applicable in the UK, a brief guidance on the key aspects of the law and guidance on the other laws relating to the wine trade.
How European and UK wine laws are applied

European Council and Commission Wine Regulations cover:
the whole market in wine from the grape to the final sale to the consumer
the EC price support system
the arrangements for importation into the Community from other (Third) countries
The Commission also issues directives and notices on general matters covering wine, including where appropriate lists of the responsible (competent) authorities designated by Member States for enforcement purposes. All European legislation may be found in the Eur-Lex section of the Commission website.
The Wine Regulations is a national Statutory Instrument (SI) reissued from time to time, and kept up to date by regular amending SIs issued to cover new or amended legislation.

Which Regulations apply in the UK

European Commission Regulations
Rules in the wine sector must apply to all Member States in the European Union.
Council and Commission Regulations for the wine sector are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Among areas covered are winemaking, documentation and record keeping, labelling and price lists. These rules also apply to wines imported into the European Union from non-EU countries (Third Countries).
UK (Wine) Regulations
National legislation has been enacted to allow the UK to enforce Community rules. The Statutory Instrument is The Wine Regulations 2011.
Enforcement responsibility is shared with Defra, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and local authorities, the latter being responsible for all enforcement in the retail sector.
Regulations in the Wine sector: some aspects of the law

From 1 August 2009, new regulations apply which include some alterations to wine making and labelling provisions.
Detailed information on the revised provisions will be added under the Related Links section.
Still, sparkling and liqueur wine
The regulations set out conditions for making wine, record keeping and labelling for each of these categories.
1. Winemaking
de-acidification and enrichment of wine produced in the UK is subject to permitted limits and must be notified to the WSB. Minimum and/or maximum alcoholic strengths are laid down in each category, with special provision for wines from Third Countries.
processing aids and agents are also identified with maximum limits e.g. total sulphur dioxide must not exceed 150 milligrams per litre in a red wine
2. Record keeping
there is a list of operations including enrichment and bottling which must be recorded promptly. Accompanying documents and records must be kept for at least five years.
3. Labelling
specific mandatory items must be shown, in one field of vision. These include nominal volume (eg 75cl), alcoholic strength (eg 11.5% vol), bottler's details, country of origin, type of wine. In addition a statement about the sulphur dioxide content will be required on any label when this exceeds 10mg/litre.
specified optional items may also be shown on certain types of wine, eg vine variety, vintage. Further information may be shown, providing it does not conflict with mandatory or specified optional details and that there is no risk of confusion
Labelling provisions are included in EU Regulations 479/2008 and 607/2009 (legally 479/2008 has now been replaced by 491/2009 amending the Single Market Regulation 1234/2007)
Aromatised wine products
This category includes 'wines with added flavouring', such as vermouth and Sangria.
Council Regulation 1601/91 includes definitions and product descriptions but detailed labelling provisions fall under UK Food Labelling Regulations.
Allergenic ingredients
See the links below on Wine Ingredients Listing (Allergens) and a link to a Food Standards Allergy update (December 2011)

Additional national legislation

In addition to EC wine regulations and the CAP (Wine) Regulations, there is a wide range of national legislation which applies to the UK wine industry. The authorities primarily responsible for enforcement of national legislation are the Government departments concerned, HMRC and local authorities (particularly the trading standards and environmental health departments).
Some of the major items are shown below for general information:
Trade Descriptions Act 1968
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008
Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979
Weights and Measures Act 1985
Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations 2006
Weights and Measures (Specified Quantities) 2009
Food Safety Act 1990
Trade Marks Act 1994
Food Labelling Regulations 1996
Food (Lot Marking) Regulations 1996
Licencing Act 2003
Wine is largely exempt from Food Labelling Regulations, since the European Community has drawn up specific provisions in wine sector.
Legislation since 1998 may be accessed on legislation.gov.uk.
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