Ghana - Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards
- Published: 2012-06-29
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The Food and Drugs Board (FDB) is the Government of Ghana‟s (GOG) regulatory body with the responsibility of implementing Food and Drugs Law of 1992, (PNDCL 305B) to regulate the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, use and advertisements of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and household chemicals with respect to ensuring their safety, quality and efficacy. The FDB‟s mandate is to protect and promote public health by ensuring that food and drugs consumed in Ghana are wholesome and safe. The FDB was established and became fully operational in August 1997. All food products imported, advertised, sold or distributed in the country must first be registered with the FDB under Section 18 and 25 of the Food and Drugs law, 1992 (PNDCL 305B) and Section 4 (b) of the Food and Drugs (Amendment) Act 523, 1996. A certificate with a registration number is then issued with respect to the product. In addition only companies duly registered by the Registrar General‟s Department shall be permitted to import food and drugs. According to the FDB (Food, Drugs) General Labeling Rules, 1992, “food” includes “any article manufactured, sold or represented for use as food or drink for human consumption, chewing gum and any ingredient which may be mixed with food for any purpose whatsoever”. Currently, the Food and Drugs law is undergoing review and amendments to ensure that all food products, including animal feed and water, are included in the food law. Since its inception, the FDB has enforced its food laws through the process of registration of products. In an effort to avoid food adulteration FDB undertakes inspection of food processing facilities in Ghana, destination inspection of imported products, verification of exports and post market surveillance. It is an offence punishable by law if anyone contravenes the provisions of existing food and drugs laws. Legally, failure to register any food item with the FDB means the product cannot be imported. The FDB may apply the following in the case of importation of unregistered products: re-exportation, destruction/confiscation and prosecution, or bringing the product into compliance with the law.
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