AOAC Official Method 934.06 Moisture in Dried Fruits
First Action 1934
Final Action
Codex-Adopted–AOAC Method*
Spread 5–10 g prepared test sample, 920.149(c) (see 37.1.07), as evenly as possible over bottom of metal dish ca 8.5 cm diameter provided
with tight-fit cover, weigh, and dry 6 h at 70 ± 1°C under pressure £100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa). (Metal dish must be in direct contact with metal shelf of oven.) During drying, admit to oven slow current of air (ca 2 bubbles/s) dried by passing through H2SO4. Replace cover, cool dish in desiccator, and weigh. Disregard any temporary drop in oven temperature during early part of drying period owing to rapid evaporation of H2O.
With raisins, and other fruit rich in sugar, use ca 5 g test sample and dry and weigh in dish with ca 2 g finely divided glass fiber filter. Moisten with hot H2O, mix and glass fiber filter thoroughly, evaporate barely to dryness on steam bath, and complete drying as above. Duplicate determinations should agree within 0.2%.
References: JAOAC 17, 215(1934); 18, 80(1935).
Revised: March 1996