Sweden - Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards
- Published: 2012-06-29
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- Language: English
- Download Times: 607
Responsibility for the safety of food and agricultural products in Sweden is shared between three Swedish authorities: the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the National Food Administration (NFA) and, to a lesser degree, the National Board of Fisheries. The NFA is the central supervisory authority for matters relating to food, including imports. Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU) and Swedish national food legislation is, to a large extent, harmonized with the EU's food legislation. In certain cases, however, there is room for national interpretation of the EU's legislation. Sweden has received a derogation allowing it to apply stricter salmonella control and stricter border controls (quarantine on imports of live animals) than that of other EU member countries. Traditionally, Sweden has not had outbreaks of salmonella. This is due to a combination of a sea barrier separating Sweden from the continent, border control and an extensive and far-reaching domestic control system.
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