EU: Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 222 (FGE.222)
- Published: 2012-05-31
- File Format: PDF
- Views: 8
- Size: 225.4K
- Language: English
- Download Times: 400
The Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids of the European Food Safety Authority was requested to evaluate the genotoxic potential of six flavouring substances from subgroup 4.6 of FGE.19 in the Flavouring Group Evaluation 222. The Flavour Industry have provided additional genotoxicity studies for two representative substances, 3-(2-furyl)acrylaldehyde [FL-no: 13.034] and 4-(2-furyl)but-3-en-2-one [FL-no: 13.044], in FGE.222. Based on these new data the Panel could not rule out a clastogenic and aneugenic potential for the two substances and a in vivo Comet assay was requested for both substances, the one including a micronucleus assay.
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