Russia’s current port capacity for grain exports is estimated at 28 million metric tons (MMT) annually, 7 MMT more than a revised estimate of 21 MMT in 2011. Although this is the estimated capacity, according to industry analysts and grain terminal managers, in ideal conditions (optimal weather
conditions, effective management of the movement of grain through ports, steady supplies of grain throughout the year, etc.) and including the direct loading of grain from railway wagons onto ships, Russia could theoretically ship up to 34-35 MMT through its ports. Russia’s grain exports in 2012/13
were less than 16.5 million metric tons (MMT) compared to a record of 27.2 MMT in MY 2011/12. Industry analysts forecast Russia’s grain exports in 2013/2014 from 20 MMT to 25 MMT. FAS/Moscow currently forecasts Russia’s grain exports at 24 MMT for marketing year 2013/14.