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National Food Security Bill Becomes Law-India

  • Published: 2013-09-22
  • File Format: PDF
  • Views: 69   
  • Size: 397.23K
  • Language: English
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Report Highlights:
India’s National Food Security Bill was signed into law on September 12, 2013, under which the Government of India is to deliver 5 kilograms of food grains monthly to approximately 820 million eligible beneficiaries. Central government allocations of food grains to the states and union territories
are estimated in this act at 54.9 million metric tons per annum, lower than earlier estimates. Pregnant women, lactating mothers, and certain age groups of children are entitled to daily free meals.

Executive Summary:
India’s National Food Security Bill, 2013, was passed by both houses of Parliament in August and signed into law by President Pranab Mukherjee on September 12. This Act of Parliament creates an entitlement by eligible beneficiaries (50% of the urban and 75% of the rural populations) to receive 5 kilograms of rice, wheat or coarse grain (millet) at subsidized prices of 3, 2 and 1 rupee per kilogram, respectively, for at least the first three years after enactment. This equates to about two thirds of India’s population, or roughly 820 million people. The central government will identify the total number of beneficiaries in each state based on the population census, and the states will be responsible for determining eligibility, and for publishing the names of beneficiaries. In addition, beneficiaries of the Anyodaya Anna Yojana program as well as states with more generous programs are guaranteed continued access to larger entitlements. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to free meals during pregnancy and for six months post partum, and to a maternity benefit of INR 6,000. Children aged six months to 14 years are entitled to one free meal per day. For purposes of ration card issuance, the eldest woman in the household over the age of 18 is designated head of household. In addition, the Public Distribution System is to be reformed. The government is specifically authorized to introduce cash transfer, food coupon, or other programs in lieu of delivery of physical grain. A system is to be created to permit redress of grievances. Based on published state-by-state allocations, nearly 55 million metric tons of food grains will be distributed annually via the Public Distribution System.
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