Bahamas - Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards
- Published: 2012-06-29
- File Format: PDF
- Views: 39
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- Language: English
- Download Times: 484
Approximately, 95 percent of all agricultural, fish and forestry products imported by The Bahamas come from the United States. The Bahamas recognizes and accepts the U.S. standards for practically all food and agricultural products. The Bahamian Food Act of 1985 is still the principal legislative piece governing food products. The law itself is not very extensive, but it provides the basic framework for the regulation of both domestically produced and imported foods and their use. A newer, more comprehensive Food Act was expected to be enacted in 2011, but there have been no new changes to date. Other legal instruments governing imports of food and agricultural products include the Animal Contagious Diseases Act (also known as the Animal Protection Act) and the Plant Protection Act. The Animal Protection Act is also in the process of being amended and many changes are expected in 2012. These legislative changes are due in part to The Bahamas’ need to bring its sanitary and phytosanitary, and its technical measures into conformity with WTO obligations as part of its accession process.
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