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France Agricultural Biotechnology Annual Report 2013

  • Published: 2013-07-11
  • File Format: PDF
  • Views: 3   
  • Size: 1.29M
  • Language: English
  • Download Times: 200
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Report Highlights:
The Government of France is strongly opposed to the use of agricultural biotechnology and no biotech plants or animals are commercially produced currently. Other tools are promoted as a means to make French agriculture more economical and environmentally sustainable. In the case of retail food
products, there are various voluntary labeling systems used, mainly as a marketing tool, to make clear that products do not have genetically engineered content. However, France is a net importer of feed ingredients and large quantities of soybean and corn products continue to be imported annually, mostly from the world's leading biotech producing countries. Despite major difficulties in conducting their work, basic and applied research in plant and animal biotechnology by French research institutions continues, as well as involvement in a variety of international programs.
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