Prepared at the 33rd JECFA (1988), published in FNP 38 (1988) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 57thJECFA (2001). An ADI ‘not specified’ was established at the 33rd JECFA (1988).
SYNONYMS Karaya, gum karaya, Sterculia, gum sterculia, Kadaya, Katilo, Kullo, Kuterra; INS No. 416
DEFINITION A dried exudation from the stems and branches of Sterculia urens Roxburgh and other species of Sterculia (Fam. Sterculiaceae) or from Cochlospermum gossypium A.P. De Candolle or other species of Cochlospermum (Fam. Bixaceae); consists mainly of high molecular-weight
acetylated polysaccharides, which on hydrolysis yield galactose, rhamnose, and galacturonic acid, together with minor amounts of glucuronic acid.
C.A.S. number 9000-36-6
DESCRIPTION Unground product: occurs in tears of variable size and in broken irregular pieces having a characteristic semi-crystalline appearance; pale yellow to pinkish brown; translucent and horny Powdered product: pale grey to pinkish brown; a distinctive odour of acetic acid. Items of commerce may contain extraneous materials such as pieces of bark which must be removed before use in food. Unground samples should be powdered to pass a standard ISO sieve of 355 µm (USA No. 45) and mixed well before performing any of the following tests.
FUNCTIONAL USES Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickening agent