Prepared at the 46th JECFA (1996), published in FNP 52 Add 4 (1996) superseding specifications prepared at the 33rd JECFA (1988), published
in FNP 38 (1988) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 57th JECFA (2001). No ADI was allocated at the 33rd JECFA
SYNONYMS D-Glucitol syrup, INS No. 420(ii)
DEFINITION Formed by hydrogenation of glucose syrup; composed of D-sorbitol, Dmannitol and other hydrogenated saccharides
The part of the product which is not D-sorbitol is composed mainly of hydrogenated oligosaccharides formed by the hydrogenation of glucose syrup used as raw material (in which case the syrup is non-crystallizing) or mannitol; minor quantities of hydrogenated di-, tri- and tetrasaccharides
may be present
Assay Not less than 99.0% hydrogenated saccharides and not less than 50.0% of D-sorbitol on the anhydrous basis
DESCRIPTION Clear colourless aqueous solution
FUNCTIONAL USES Sweetener, humectant, sequestrant, texturizer, bulking agent