Prepared at the 51st JECFA (1998), published in FNP 52 Add 6 (1998) superseding earlier specifications prepared by the 28th JECFA (1984),
published in FNP 31/2 (1984) and republished in FNP 52 (1992). No ADI allocated at the 25th JECFA in 1981.
SYNONYMS Isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol
Chemical names 2-Propanol, propan-2-ol
C.A.S. number 67-63-0
Chemical formula C3H8)
Structural formula CH3CHOHCH3
Formula weight 60.10
Assay Not less than 99.5% of C3H8O
DESCRIPTION Clear, colourless, mobile liquid with a characteristic odour
FUNCTIONAL USES Extraction solvent, carrier solvent, flavouring agent (see "Flavouring agents" monograph)