Worldwide, people drink more than 4,000 cups of Nescafé every second11 and consume Coca-Cola products 1.7 billion times a day.Three companies control 40 percent of the global cocoa market, 13 and Nestlé reported revenues in 2010 larger than the GDP of Guatemala or Yemen.
In fact, the „Big 10‟– Associated British Foods (ABF), Coca-Cola, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg, Mars, Mondelez International (previously Kraft Foods), Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever 15–collectively generate revenues of more than $1.1bn a day16 and employ millions of people directly and indirectly in the growing, processing, distributing and selling of their products.17 Today, these companies are part of an industry valued at $7 trillion,18 larger than even the energy sector19 and representing roughly ten percent of the global economy.
But unlike the manufacture of branded sneakers or the creation of new electronic gadgets, what is grown, where, and how it is distributed affects
every human being on earth.