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The Food Irradiation (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations

  • Published: 2013-03-28
  • File Format: PDF
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  • Language: English
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The Food Irradiation (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations
1. These Regulations amend the Food Irradiation (Wales) Regulations 2009 (S.I. 2009/1795) (W.162).
2. These Regulations give effect to the provisions of–
(a) Commission Decision 2010/172/EU amending Decision 2002/840/EC as regards the list of approved facilities in third countries for the irradiation of foods (OJ No. L75, 23.3.2010, p.33); and (b) undated Commission list of approved facilities for the treatment of foods and food ingredients with ionising radiation in the member States(1) replacing Commission list of such facilities of 3 September 2004.
3. These Regulations amend the Food Irradiation (Wales) Regulations 2009 by–

(a) substituting "risg o bwys" for "risg sylweddol"
in the Welsh text of paragraph 2(i) of Part 1 (grant of licences) of Schedule 2 (licences) (regulation 3);

(b) substituting for sub-paragraph (1)(b) of paragraph 9 of Part 3 (requirements and prohibitions to be observed by a licensee) of Schedule 2 (licences) a revised sub-paragraph (1)(b) (regulation 4);

(c) substituting for Schedule 3 (list of approved facilities in member States) a revised Schedule 3 containing a modified list of approved facilities in member States (regulation 5); and

(d) substituting for Schedule 4 (list of facilities in a country outside the European Community) a revised Schedule 4 adding three new facilities
to the list of the approved facilities in countries outside the European Union (regulation 6).

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