EU 27 Grain and Feed Annual Report 2013
Report Highlights:
The outlook for the MY2013/14 EU27 grain crop is positive. While there were some weather-related fall planting delays, the crops are developing with minimal winterkill. A partial thaw in February was followed by a cold spell, which delayed spring plantings. If the forecast crop of 292 million metric tons
(MMT) is realized, it will be a more sizeable crop than last year, but still 20 MMT below the record.
Feed grain consumption is forecast upwards, albeit masking a switch from corn to other grains, while industrial grain usage is forecast up, although limited by the temporary closure of a UK-based bioethanol plant. The MY2013/14 balance suggests that the EU27 will be able to meet export demand, but much will ultimately depend on the size and quality of the harvest.
Author Defined:
This report presents the first outlook for grain and feed, and Production, Supply and Demand (PS&D) forecasts for the Marketing Year (MY) 2013/14. Unless stated otherwise, data in this report is based on the views of Foreign Agricultural Service analysts in the EU27 and is not official USDA data.
This report would not have been possible without the valuable expert contributions from the following