Russian Far East Ag Policy and Situation Update
- Published: 2014-02-10
- File Format: PDF
- Views: 7
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- Language: English
- Download Times: 358
Medvedev to Oversee Business in Russia's Far East…Japanese Research Group to Develop Fishery Complex… Commercial Port of Vladivostok Handled the First Grain Batch for Japan… FESCO Transportation Group Launches New Regular Container Service between St. Petersburg and North America… FESCO Plans to Increase Grain Handling through the Commercial Port of Vladivostok up to 1 Million Tons per Year… FESCO recorded the highest monthly container volume handled in Commercial Port of Vladivostok in November 2013… Commercial Port of Vladivostok handled the first ship under the program “Delivery of Cargo to the Northern Regions 2013”… Russian Railways Can Cut Freight Tariffs 22 Percent for Distances up to 1,100 km… Global Ports Group Closes Deal to Buy 100 Percent of National Container Company.
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