CODEX STAN 175-1989 Standard for Soy Protein Products
This standard applies to Vegetable Protein Products (VPP) prepared from soybeans (seeds of Glycine Max.L.) by various separation and extraction processes. These products are intended for use in foods requiring further preparation and by the food processing industry.
Soy Protein Products (SPP) covered by this standard are food products produced by the reduction or removal from soybeans of certain of the major non-protein constituents (water, oil, carbohydrates) in a manner to achieve a protein (N x 6.25) content of:
– in the case of soy protein flour (SPF) 50% or more and less than 65%;
– in the case of soy protein concentrate (SPC) 65% or more and less than 90%;
– in the case of soy protein isolate (SPI) 90% or more.
The protein content is calculated on a dry weight basis excluding added vitamins, minerals, amino acids and food additives.