CODEX STAN 159-1987 Standard for Canned Mangoes
1.1 Product Definition
Canned mango is the product: (a) prepared from stemmed, peeled, fresh, sound, clean and mature fruit of commercial varieties conforming to the characteristics of the fruits of Mangifera indica L.; (b) which may or may not be packed with a suitable liquid packing medium, nutritive sweeteners and other seasoning or flavouring ingredients appropriate to the product; and (c) processed by heat, in an appropriate manner, before or after being sealed in a container, in order to preserve its essential composition and quality factors.
1.2 Types of varieties
Any cultivated variety or type suitable for Canned Mangoes may be used in the preparation.
1.3 Styles
The product shall be prepared from peeled fruit for all the following styles:
1.3.1 Halves - cut into two approximately equal parts along the stone from stem to apex and the flesh separated from the skin.
1.3.2 Slices - Long, slender pieces cut lengthwise or crosswise.
1.3.3 Pieces - (or mixed pieces or irregular pieces) - pitted and comprising irregular shapes and sizes.
1.3.4 Diced - flesh cut into cube-like parts with a dimension of at least 12 mm on the longest side.