CODEX STAN 166-1989 Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets - Breaded or in Batter
This standard applies to quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers) and fish portions cut from quick frozen fish flesh blocks, or formed from fish flesh, and to natural fish fillets, breaded or batter coatings, singly or in combination, raw or partially cooked and offered for direct human consumption without further industrial processing.
2.1.1 A fish stick (fish finger) is the product including the coating weighing not less than 20 g and not more than 50 g shaped so that the length is not less than three times the greatest width. Each stick shall be not less than 10 mm thick.
2.1.2 A fish portion including the coating, other than products under 2.1.1, may be of any shape, weight or size.
2.1.3 Fish sticks or portions may be prepared from a single species of fish or from a mixture of species with similar sensory properties.
2.1.4 Fillets are slices of fish of irregular size and shape which are removed from the carcass by cuts made parallel to the back bone and pieces of such fillets, with or without the skin.