CODEX STAN 53-1981 Standard for Special Dietary Foods with Low-Sodium Content
1.1 This standard applies to foods which are represented directly or indirectly or by implication, as intended for special dietary uses by reason of their low sodium content. It also applies to salt substitutes with low sodium content.
1.2 The standard contains only provisions which are specific to the sodium content of foods intended for special dietary uses and to salt substitutes. It does not refer to other aspects of the composition of such foods including the use of food additives, except salt substitutes.
2.1 Definition
Special dietary foods with low sodium content are foods whose special dietary value results from the reduction, restriction, or removal of sodium.
2.2 Subsidiary Definitions
Low sodium and Very low sodium foods are foods conforming to the respective provisions regarding maximum sodium content prescribed in sub-sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of this standard.