CAC/MISC 4 Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds
The Codex Classification of Foods and Feeds is intended primarily to ensure the use of uniform nomenclature and secondarily to classify foods into groups and/or sub-groups for the purpose of establishing group maximum residue limits for commodities with similar characteristics and residue potential.
The major differences in exposure to pesticides and metabolites of pesticides in plants and animals call for a primary classification into foods and feeds of plant origin and those of animal origin. Processed foods prepared from these primary food commodities are again separated into those of plant origin and of animal origin.
Multi-ingredient manufactured foods containing ingredients of both plant and animal origin are listed as plant or animal origin depending upon the main ingredients.
In the event that residues are greater in the processed food than in the raw agricultural commodity from which it is derived, as a separate MRL should be considered for the processed food. In addition, there are a number of situations where special considerations may be needed: