Prepared at the 49th JECFA (1997), published in FNP 52 Add 5 (1997)superseding specifications prepared at the 44th JECFA (1995), published in FNP52, Add 3 (1995). An ADI 'not specified' was established at the 39th JECFA (1992)
DEFINITION Calcium salt of alginic acid.
C.A.S. number 9005-35-0
Chemical formula (C6 H7 Ca1/2 O6)n
Structural formula Structural formula from Phillips, Wedlock and Williams: Gums and Stabilizers for the Food Industry 5 (1990) by permission of Oxford University Press.
The number and sequence of the Mannuronate and Glucuronate residues shown above vary in the naturally occurring alginate. The associated water molecules are not shown.
Formula weight Structural unit : 195.16 (theoretical), 219 (actual average)
Macromolecule: 10,000 - 600,000 (typical average)
Assay Not less than 18.0% and not more than 21.0% of carbon dioxide (CO2), equivalent to not less than 89.6% and not more than 104.5% of calcium alginate (C6H7Ca1/2 O6)n on the anhydrous basis.
DESCRIPTION White to yellowish brown filamentous, grainy, granular and powdered forms
FUNCTIONAL USES Stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent, emulsifier