Prepared at the 26th JECFA (1982), published in FNP 25 (1982) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 61st JECFA (2003). No ADI was established, but a group MTDI of 70 mg/kg bw, expressed as phosphorus from all food sources, was established at the 26th
JECFA (1982).
SYNONYMS Potassium metaphosphate; INS No 452(ii)
DEFINITION A heterogeneous mixture of potassium salts of linear condensed polyphosphoric acids of general formula Hn+2PnO3n+1 where "n" is not less than 2
Chemical names Potassium metaphosphate, potassium polymetaphosphate, potassium polyphosphate
C.A.S. number 7790-53-6
Assay Not less than 53.5% and not more than 61.5% of P2O5 on the ignited basis
DESCRIPTION Odourless, colourless or white glassy masses, fragments, crystals or powder
FUNCTIONAL USES Emulsifier, moisture-retaining agent, sequestrant, texturizer