Prepared at the 30th JECFA (1986), published in FNP 37 (1986) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 59th
JECFA (2002). A group ADI 'not limited' for citric acid and its calcium,potassium, sodium and ammonium salts was established at the 23rd
JECFA (1979)
SYNONYMS Monosodium citrate, sodium citrate monobasic; INS No. 331(i)
Chemical names Monosodium citrate, monosodium salt of 2-hydroxy-1,2,3- propanetricarboxylic acid
Chemical formula C6H7NaO7
Formula weight 214.11
Assay Not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0%
DESCRIPTION White, odourless crystals or crystalline powder
FUNCTIONAL USESBuffering agent, sequestrant