Prepared at the 28th JECFA (1984), published in FNP 31/2 (1984) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 63rd JECFA (2004). No ADI was allocated at the 25th (JECFA 1981)
SYNONYMS Butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, 1-hydroxybutane, n-butanol, n-propyl carbinol, NBA
Chemical names 1-Butanol, butan-1-ol
C.A.S. number 76-36-3
Chemical formula C4H10O
Formula weight 74.12
Assay Not less than 99.5%
DESCRIPTION Colourless, clear, slightly viscous, with a characteristic odour
FUNCTIONAL USES Extraction solvent, flavouring agent (see Volume 5)