Prepared at the 28th JECFA (1981), published in FNP 31/2 (1984) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 59th
JECFA (2002). An ADI 'not specified' was established at the 25th JECFA (1981)
SYNONYMS Sodium monohydrogendicarbonate; INS No. 500(iii)
Chemical names Sodium sesquicarbonate, sodium salt of carbonic acid
C.A.S. number 533-96-0
Chemical formula C2HNa3O6 · 2H2O Na2CO3-NaHCO3 · 2H2O
Formula weight Na2CO3-NaHCO3 · 2H2O: 226.03 Na2CO3: 105.99 NaHCO3: 84.00
Assay Between 35.0 and 38.6% of NaHCO3
Between 46.4 and 50.0% of Na2CO3
DESCRIPTION White flakes, crystals or crystalline powder
FUNCTIONAL USES Alkali, buffering agent