Prepared at the 31st JECFA (1987), published in FNP 38 (1988) and in FNP 52 (1992). Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 63rd JECFA (2004). No ADI was allocated at the 31st JECFA (1987)
DEFINITION These specifications apply to predominantly all trans (z) isomer of citranaxanthin together with minor amounts of other carotenoids; diluted and stabilized forms are prepared from citranaxanthin meeting these specifications and include solutions or suspensions of citranaxanthin in edible fats or oils, emulsions and water dispersible powders; these preparations may have different cis/trans isomer ratios.
These specifications define only synthetic citranaxanthin. The Committee was aware of naturally occurring citranaxanthin but had no indication of a
commercial available food colour obtained from natural sources. The analytical methods described for the parent colour are not necessarily
suitable for the assay of or determination of impurities in the stabilized forms. (Appropriate methods should be available from the manufacturer).
Chemical names Citranaxanthin, 6'-methyl-6'-apo- ß-carotene-6'-one, 5',6'-dehydro-5'-apo-18'-nor- ß-caroten-6'one
C.A.S. number 3604-90-8
Chemical formula C33H440
Formula weight 456.71
Assay Not less than 96% total colouring matters (expressed as citranaxanthin)
DESCRIPTION Deep violet crystals; sensitive to oxygen and light and should therefore be kept in a light-resistant container under inert gas