Report Highlights:
For 2013, FAS/ Moscow’s initial crop forecast is for a recovery from the drought-impacted 2012 crop, with total grain production expected up 15 MMT (21 percent) to 86 MMT. This forecast includes 50 MMT of wheat, 16 MMT of barley, 7 MMT of corn, and 13 MMT of other grains, such as rye, oats,
rice (rough), millet, triticale, buckwheat, sorghum, and pulses. Given attractive world grain prices, these grain volumes are expected to allow Russia to export approximately 20 MMT of grain, including 15 MMT of wheat, 3 MMT of barley, 1 MMT of corn, and approximately 1 MMT of other grains and
Executive Summary:
Assuming average weather conditions during the growing season, FAS/Moscow forecasts Russia’s 2013 grain production at 86 million metric tons (MMT), 15 MMT (21 percent) higher than drought-affected 2012, and close to the 5-year average. By crop, 2013 forecasts are the following: wheat - 50 MMT, 12 MMT higher than the 2012 crop (which was the smallest crop in a decade); barley - 16 MMT, 2 MMT more than in 2012; and corn - 7 MMT, 1 MMT below the record of 2012. Production of rye, oats, rice and millet are only expected to increase slightly from 2012, while pulse production is expected to continue its rapid growth following the growing demand for Russian chickpeas and other pulses in foreign markets.