Ukraine Sugar Annual Report 2013
- Published: 2013-05-02
- File Format: PDF
- Views: 30
- Size: 619.86K
- Language: English
- Download Times: 236
In marketing year 2012/13, sugar beet planted area decreased by 13 percent but overall production stayed at a level similar to the previous season. Sugar production in Ukraine has been fully satisfying domestic market needs in the last two years and has reached 2.1 million metric tons in MY 2012/13. Refined beet sugar production is projected to decline by about 20 percent in the next season due to the lack of export markets and unattractive domestic market prices for the product. As a result, sugar beet planted area for MY 2013/14 is projected to decrease by almost 25 percent from 450,000 million hectares in 2012 to 350,000 hectares in 2013.
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