“Announcement on the Relevant Applicable Standards for Inspection on Import Food and Food Additives” can be found in the original Chinese version on AQSIQ website at following link:http://www.aqsiq.gov.cn/zwgk/jlgg/zjgg/2009/200907/t20090730_123267.htm. Appendix 1 through 3 are very significant, but large, documents and can be downloaded from the same web page. The three appendices include: (1) List of import food and the corresponding applicable standards; (2) List of food additives that are allowed to be used in China and the corresponding applicable standards; (3) List of food flavorings that are allowed to be used in China and the corresponding applicable standards.
This document is particularly important because of the effective delay in implementation afforded to foods and food additives that have previously been imported into China. Paragraph two of the announcement contains the language relating to previous “record of imports.”