CODEX STAN 169-1989 Standard for Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet Grains
This standard applies to whole and decorticated pearl millet destined for human consumption which is obtained from Pennisetum americanum L., Senegalese varieties “souna” and “sanio”.
2.1 Definition of the product
Pearl millet grains shall be whole or decorticated and suitable dried if necessary. They shall have the characteristics of the species Pennisetum americanum L.
2.1.2 Whole grains
These are grains of pearl millet obtained as such after proper threshing with no mechanical treatment.
2.1.3 Decorticated grains
These are grains of pearl millet from which outer parts, amounting to 20–22% of the weight of the whole grains have been removed in an appropriate manner using mechanical treatment (for example, simple abrasion).