CODEX STAN 42-1981 Standard for Canned Pineapple
1.1 Product Definition
Canned pineapple is the product (a) prepared from fresh, frozen, or previously canned, maturepineapple, conforming to the characteristics of Ananas comosus (L) Merr. (Ananas sativus (L) Lindl.) andfrom which peel and core have been removed, (b) packed with water or other suitable liquid medium; it may bepacked with nutritive sweeteners, as specified in sub-section, seasonings, or other ingredientsappropriate to the product; and (c) processed by heat in an appropriate manner before of after being sealed ina container, so as to prevent spoilage.
1.2 Varietal Type
Any commercially cultivated variety suitable for canning may be used.
1.3 Styles
Canned pineapple may be packed in the following styles:
1.3.1 Whole: cylindrical whole unit with the core removed.