CODEX STAN 36-1981 Standard for Quick Frozen Finfish, Eviscerated or Uneviscerated
This standard shall apply to frozen finfish uneviscerated and eviscerated1.
2.1 Product Definition
Frozen finfish suitable for human consumption, with or without the head, from which the viscera or other organs may have been completely or partially removed.
2.2 Process Definition
The product, after any suitable preparation, shall be subjected to a freezing process and shall comply with the conditions laid down hereafter. The freezing process shall be carried out in appropriate equipment in such a way that the range of temperature of maximum crystallization is passed quickly. The quick freezing process shall not be regarded as complete unless and until the product temperature has reached -18°C or colder at the thermal centre after thermal stabilization. The product shall be kept deep frozen so as to maintain the quality during transportation, storage and distribution.
Industrial repacking of quick frozen products under controlled conditions which maintain the quality of the products followed by the reapplication of the quick freezing process is permitted.