Prepared at the 15th JECFA (1971), published in NMRS 50B (1972) and in FNP 52 (1992). An ADI 'not limited' was established at the 15th JECFA (1971)
SOURCES Aqueous extracts made from the fourth stomach of calf, kid or lamb
Active principles Chymosin (rennin, aspartic proteinase)
Systematic names and numbers
None (EC
Reactions catalyzed Hydrolyzes polypeptides (casein) yielding peptides of lower molecular weight. Chymosin cleaves a single bond in k-casein leaving an insoluble fraction para-k-casein. It clots milk.
DESCRIPTION Clear, amber to dark brown liquids or white to tan powders
FUNCTIONAL USES Enzyme preparation
Used in the manufacture of cheese
Must conform to the General Specifications for Enzyme Preparations
used in Food Processing (see Volume Introduction)