Executive Summary:
Wheat production is forecast at 18 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2013. Durum wheat production re-estimated at 2.4 MMT due to high planting area in Central Anatolia and especially in Southeast Anatolian Project (GAP) region. But low quality of durum wheat, especially in Central
Anatolia, is a big problem at the moment.
Wheat area decreased compared to last year and is below the long term trend. Corn area increased.Corn and sunflower area increased in Cukurova, GAP and Southeast Anatolia region. Sunflower area increase was very dramatic in Central Anatolia and Cukurova region. Corn area in Cukurova region and Southeast Anatolia region will be consistent with long term averages.Barley yield was very good. It was better than wheat yield. Most farmers called MY 2013 a barley year due to high yield.
Corn area increase and production estimate revised up. Corn production is forecast at 4.9 MMT. Corn area gained land from cotton in Cukurova and the GAP region, and land from wheat in Central Anatolia. Sunflower and cotton were the two major crops that attracted farmers heavily in MY 2013.