Prepared at the 46th JECFA (1996), published in FNP 52 Add 4 (1996) superseding specifications prepared at the 19 th JECFA (1975), published in
NMRS 55B (1976) and in FNP 52 (1992) under the name Ammonium Hydroxide. Metals and arsenic specifications revised at the 59th JECFA
(2002) An ADI 'not limited' was established at the 9th JECFA (1965)
SYNONYMS Ammonium hydroxide, strong ammonia solution, aqueous ammonia, INS No. 527
Chemical names Ammonia solution
C.A.S. number 7664-41-7 (ammonia) 1336-21-6 (aqueous ammonia)
Chemical formula NH3 (aqueous)
Formula weight 17.03
Assay Not less than 27% and not more than 30%
DESCRIPTION Clear, colourless liquid having an exceedingly pungent, characteristic odour. Upon exposure to air it loses ammonia rapidly
FUNCTIONAL USES Acidity regulator