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Quinoline Yellow INS No. 104

  • Published: 2013-08-08
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Tentative specifications prepared at the 74th JECFA (2011) and published in FAO JECFA Monographs 11 (2011), superseding specifications prepared at the 28th JECFA (1984), published in the Combined Compendium of Food Additive Specifications, FAO JECFA Monographs 1 (2005). A temporary ADI of 0-5 mg/kg bw was established at the 74th JECFA (2011). Information required on the commercially available products for use as
food additives:
• Range of mono-, di- and trisulfonated components
• Chemical name, C.A.S. number and structural formula for the principal component
• Maximum wavelengths for UV-visible absorption of mono-, di-, trisulfonated compounds and the absorptivities of the three sulfonate compounds together with the testing solvent
• Suitable test method for the separate determination of mono-, di- and trisulfonated compounds
• Data from five batches on organic impurities including subsidiary colouring matters and their levels
• Suitable test method for the determination of subsidiary colouring matters and other organic impurities using HPLC, including information on the availability of suitable standards
• Level of zinc in commercial products and explanation for this impurity
SYNONYMS CI Food Yellow 13; CI (1982) No. 47005; INS No. 104
DEFINITION Quinoline yellow is prepared by sulfonating 2-(2-quinolyl)-1,3-indandione. It consists essentially of sodium salts of a mixture of
monosulfonates, disulfonates and trisulfonates of the above compounds and subsidiary colouring matters together with sodium chloride and/or
sodium sulfate as the principal uncoloured components. May be converted to the corresponding aluminium lake, in which case only the General Specifications for Aluminium Lakes of Colouring Matters apply.
Chemical name Information required
C.A.S. number Information required
Chemical formula C18H9NNa2O8S2 (principal component)
Structural formula Information required
Formula weight 477.38 (Principal component) Assay Not less than 70% total colouring matters.
Of the total colouring matters present:
- not less than 80% of disodium 2-(2-quinolyl)-indan- 1,3-dionedisulfonates;
- not more than 15% of sodium 2-(2-quinolyl)-indan-1,3-dionemonosulfonates;
- not more than 7% of trisodium 2-(2-quinolyl)-indan-1,3-dionetrisulfonate
DESCRIPTION Yellow powder or granules
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