AOAC Official Method 945.75 Extraneous Materials (Foreign Matter) in Products Isolation Techniques
First Ac tion 1945
Fi nal Action 1996
A. Definition of Terms
Extraneous materials.—Any foreign matter in product associated with objectionable conditions or practices in production, storage, or distribution; included are filth [see 970.66A(a)–(d) (see 16.1.02)],decomposed material (decayed tissues due to parasitic or nonparasitic causes), and miscellaneous matter such as sand and soil, glass, rust, or other foreign substances. Excluded are bacterial counts.
B. Apparatus
(Avoid use of poly eth yl ene beak ers, fun nels, con tain ers, etc., as in sect frag ments and ro dent hairs ad here to ap pa ra tus made from this
ma te rial.)
(a) Aerator, water.—Modify to produce fine, even spray of water by removing screen(s). If aerator has more than 1 disk, use only the one with small (ca 1 mm) holes. (No. 00200, Faucet-Queens, Inc., 550 Palwaukee Dr, Wheeling, IL 60090, USA, or equivalent.) Unit may be securely attached to faucet with heavy rubber tubing (wall thickness ca 3.2 mm) to provide suitable working distance from sieve and to allow some movement of sprayer head.
(b) Autoclave.—(1) Slow exhaust type.—Set “slow ex haust” to lower pressure from 15 to 0 in 15–20 min. (2) Nonslow exhaust.—Let cool to 0 psi before opening or venting.
(c) Blenders.—(1) High-speed.—Use 1 L, 4-lobe jar