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AOAC Official Method 941.10 Saccharin in Food Qualitative Tests

  • Published: 2013-08-28
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AOAC Official Method 941.10 Saccharin in Food Qualitative Tests
First Action 1941
Final Action

A. Organoleptic Test

Acidify with HCl 50 mL nonalcoholic liquid food or aqueous extract of 50 g solid or semisolid product, 973.29A(c) (see 47.6.13), and extract with three 25 mL portions ether. Wash combined ether extracts once with 5mLH2O, transfer to small beaker or evaporatingdish, let ether evaporate spontaneously, and taste residue. (Presence of 20 mg saccharin/L or kg of original test sample can usually be detected by its sweet taste.) Confirm by heating withNaOHand detecting salicylic acid formed thereby as in B.

B. By Conversion to Salicylic Acid
Acidify with HCl 50 mL nonalcoholic liquid food, or equivalent volume aqueous extract, 973.29A (see 47.6.13), and extract with 3 portions ether as in A. Dissolve residue remaining after evaporation of ether in little hot H2O and test small portion of solution for salicylic acid as in 975.30A or B (see 47.3.34).
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