AOAC Official Method 937.11 Oil (Peanut) in Olive, Cottonseed, Corn, and Soybean Oils
Modified Bellier Test
First Action 1937
Final Action
A. Reagents
(a) Alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution.—1.5M. Dissolve 10 g KOHin purified alcohol, 920.160A (see 41.1.18), and dilute to 100mL with purified alcohol.
(b) Hydrochloric acid.—Specific gravity 1.16. Dilute 83 mL concentrated acid (specific gravity 1.19) to 100mLwithH2O. Check with specific gravity spindle.
(c) Alcohol.—70%. Dilute 700 mL alcohol to 950 mL with H2O. Check by specific gravity or refractive index and adjust if necessary.