Animal Products Act 1999
Public Act 1999 No 93Date of assent 8 September 1999
Commencement see section 1
Changes authorised by subpart 2 of Part 2 of the Legislation Act 2012 have been made in this reprint.
Note 4 at the end of this reprint provides a list of the amendments incorporated.
This Act is administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The purpose of the APA is to protect human and animal health and facilitate access to overseas markets. The risk management system under the APA potentially covers operations for all animal materials and products from production and harvesting to processing, transport, storage and export.
The APA establishes a regulatory regime that requires all animal products traded and used to be 'fit for intended purpose'. Food businesses do this by meeting standards for animal products. The regime comprises the following types of controls:
Standards – these are issued under the Act as Regulations or Notices
Risk Management Programmes (RMPs), which are implemented by businesses processing animal material to manage food safety hazards and ensure that resulting animal products meet relevant standards
Regulated Control Schemes (RCSs) – these are imposed and managed by MPI in circumstances where it is more efficient to control food-related risks, such as contaminants and residues, through a national programme
Export controls, which are issued by MPI and include Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs), General Requirements for Export (GREX) and official assurances.