CAC/RCP 4-1971 Code of Hygienic Practice for Desiccated Coconut
The following code of hygienic practice applies to desiccated coconut, the dried product prepared for human consumption without requiring further processing which is obtained by shredding or otherwise comminuting the pared kernel of coconuts, the fruit of the palm, Cocos nucifera.
A. Coconuts - coconuts consist of an outer skin (green or brown when harvested) enclosing a thick fibrous coating or husk; inside the husk is a woody shell which encloses the kernel and which is separated from it by a brown skin. The pared kernel consists of a solid white layer enclosing an aqueous liquid known as coconut water.
B. Coconut meat - white solid layer of the kernel.
C. Dehusking - the removal of the husk, leaving the shell intact.
D. Hatcheting - the removal of the shell.
E. Paring - the removal of the brown skin around the kernel.