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AOAC Official Method 935.08 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Pesticide Formulations

  • Published: 2013-09-02
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AOAC Official Method 935.08 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Pesticide Formulations
First Action 1935
Final Action
A. Chlorine (Available) Calculate percent available Cl from titration, 935.07B (see 7.2.33). 1 mL 0.025M As2O3 = 0.003545 g available Cl.
B. Chlorine (Chloride)
Pipet 50 mL aliquot prepared solution, 935.07B (see 7.2.33), into 200 mL Erlenmeyer and add slight excess As2O3 solution, 935.07A(a) (see 7.2.33), calculated from NaOCl titration; add slight excess HNO3, neutralize with CaCO3, and titrate with 0.025M AgNO3, 941.18 (see A.1.11), using K2CrO4 solution, 941.18B(b)
(see A.1.11), or the Ag3AsO4 formed in solution, as indicator. Determine blank on reagents and correct for any Cl found. From this corrected
titration and specific gravity of formulation, calculate percent Cl. From this value subtract 1
2 the percent available Cl. Difference = percent chloride Cl.

CAS-7782-50-5 (chlorine)
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