AOAC Official Method 938.03 Extract (Cold-Water Soluble) of Flour
First Action 1938
Final Action
Weigh 20 g test portion into 500 mL Erlenmeyer and gradually add 200 mL H2O at ca 0°C. Shake vigorously after ca 50 mL H2O is added and continue shaking while adding remaining H2O. Let mixture stand 40 min at 0°C, shaking occasionally. Filter rapidly, returning filtrate to filter until clear. Pipet 20mLclear filtrate into weighed dish, evaporate to dryness on steam bath, and dry in vacuum oven at ca 100°C for 30 min periods to constant weight.
References: JAOAC 21, 406(1938); 22, 76, 548(1939).