AOAC Official Method 932.28 Jalap in Drugs
Gravimetric Method
First Action 1932
Final Action
Place 10 g product, as “60-mesh” powder, in 250 mL Erlenmeyer and add 50 mL alcohol. Fit flask with stopper through which is inserted glass tube ca 1 m long to act as condenser, and heat gently on simmering steam bath 30 min, shaking occasionally. Transfer contents to small percolator and percolate slowly with warm alcohol until ca 95 mL collects.
To test for complete extraction, collect 10 mL more percolate and pour few drops into cold H2O; if more than faint cloudiness appears, continue percolation with warm alcohol until test for resin fails. Concentrate the additional percolate by evaporation and add to flask before diluting to volume. Cool percolate to room temperature and dilute to 100 mL with alcohol. Mix well.