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AOAC Official Method 936.13 Specific Gravity of Canned Vegetables

  • Published: 2013-09-10
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AOAC Official Method 936.13 Specific Gravity of Canned Vegetables
First Action 1936
Final Action
(Applicable to comminuted tomato products.)
Determine specific gravity at 20/20°C, using Gay-Lussac or similar small-neck bottle without cap. Clean and calibrate bottle at 20°C as in 945.06B (see 26.1.06), strike off excessH2Owith straight edge, wipe bottle dry, and weigh immediately. Cool sample to 16–18°C, fill bottle with the pulp, and centrifuge 1 min at ca 1000 rpm. Add enough pulp to fill bottle to top and centrifuge again. Remove bottle and take temperature of pulp, inserting thermometer so that no air is introduced. When temperature is just 20°C, remove thermometer, add enough pulp at same temperature to have bottle slightly over full, and strike off even with straight edge. Clean outside of bottle and weigh at once to nearest 0.01 g. Specific gravity = weight pulp in bottle/weight H2O at 20°C that bottle holds
References: N.C.A. Bull. 27–L, revised 1966, p. 26. JAOAC 19, 254(1936).
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