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AOAC Official Method 936.11 Cyanogenetic Glycosides in Feeds Qualitative Test

  • Published: 2013-09-10
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AOAC Official Method 936.11 Cyanogenetic Glycosides in Feeds Qualitative Test
First Action 1936
Final Action
Prepare sodium picrate paper by dipping strips of filter paper into 1% picric acid solution and drying, then dipping into 10% Na2CO3 solution and drying. Store these papers in stoppered bottle. Finely chop small amount of plant material and place in test tube. Insert piece of moistened sodium picrate paper in tube, taking care that it does not come in contact with test sample. Add few drops CHCl3 and stopper tube tightly. The sodium picrate paper gradually turns orange, then brick red, if plant tissue contains cyanogenetic glycosides. (Test is delicate, and rapidity of change in color depends upon amount of free HCN present. This test works well with fresh plant materials, but relatively dry substances, particularly seeds of various plants, should be ground and moistened with H2O and allowed to hydrolyze in stoppered test tube containing sodium picrate paper. If necessary, small
amount of emulsin may be added.)
References: JAOAC 19, 94, 589(1936); 20, 444(1937); 21, 614(1938).
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