AOAC Official Method 935.25 Sampling of Malt
First Action 1935
Final Action
For complete descriptions of trier, divider, sampler, and bushel weight tester, see “Grain Inspection Manual” GR Instruction 918-6 (latest edition available from Federal Grain Inspection Service, Standardization Div., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20250, USA).
(a) Bulk malt in cars or bins.—Using 60 in. (1.5 m) trier, take ³ 6 probes from different parts of car, preferably 2 from center and 2 from each end.
(b) Bulk malt during discharge through spouts or openings.—At different times during filling or unloading of car, take, with trier or Pelican sampler, ³ 6 samples, each representing complete cross section of grain stream from spout.
(c) Bagged malt.—Sample lengthwise through center of open bags, ³ 2% of bags selected from different parts of car or storage room. Use 36 in. (0.9 m) trier. Indicate approximate proportion of inferior grain and take representative samples from each portion as outlined above. Immediately place each portion of sample in suitable large dry container and keep tightly closed.