AOAC Official Method 932.22 Sulfonmethane or Sulfonethylmethane in Drugs
Ether Extraction
First Action 1932
Final Action
Surplus 1965
See 32.238, 10th Ed.
Method 32.238 was revised as follows: Replace “Mix ca 0.5 g test portion with pure, clean sea sand and place mixt. in Knorr tube, 16.017(d), contg 1
2 in. (1.3 cm) layer of asbestos” with “Mix ca 0.5 g test portion with pure, clean sea sand and place mixt. in Knorr tube, 16.017(d), contg 1 2 in. (1.3 cm) layer of glass wool or glass fiber filter mat.”
Revised: March 1996